What is Specialized, Professional, or Programmatic Accreditation? The terms “specialized accreditation,” “professional accreditation,” and “programmatic accreditation” are enough to make one’s head spin, but it’s not as complicated as it sounds. In fact, all of these terms mean the same thing. Each of these terms means that a specific program within a school has earned [...]
What’s the Difference Between Regional Accreditation and National Accreditation? The difference between regional accreditation and national accreditation may seem like the last thing a prospective college student has time for. But make at least a few minutes for it. Whether your school of choice is nationally accredited or regionally accredited could matter somewhere down the [...]
So, you have decided that an online college or university is a good fit for you. Well done! Now you just need to decide which online college or university you should go to, right? And this is no easy task. There are so many factors to consider when picking a school. The important thing is [...]
Many students wonder if they should work while they are in college. If you are hesitant to attempt both work and school at the same time, you have good reason. And if someone has sat you down and said matter-of-factly, “You must work while you are in college!” realize that no two scenarios are alike [...]
Credit requirements vary a little by program, school, and state, but generally speaking, an associate’s degree requires 60 semester (90 quarter) credits. Traditionally, an associate’s degree takes 2 years to complete. However, many colleges and universities today are offering accelerated online degree programs that can cut your time substantially. For example, you can complete your [...]
Maybe. Depending on your specific circumstances, you might be able to trade your life’s work experiences in for credits toward your college degree. Some schools allow students to transfer up to 30 credits. There are three main ways to do this: Prior Learning Credits, Credit through Examination, and Credit for Military Training. Prior Learning Credits: [...]
What’s the difference between For-Profit Colleges and Nonprofit Colleges? Do you know? And why it should matter to you… Yes. There’s a huge difference. And yes. It matters big time. First, let’s define the two: Most colleges and universities are nonprofit entities. State universities and community colleges are usually (if not always) nonprofit. Many private [...]
Radek, what jobs can you get with a Nursing Degree? I’m wondering, what can I do with a Nursing Degree? Most of us have been sick or injured, so we know a little bit about what nurses do. If not, we’ve at least watched nurses in action on television. According to the Bureau of Labor [...]
Radek, what jobs can you get with a Natural Resources and Conservation Degree? I’m wondering, what can I do with a Natural Resources and Conservation Degree? Many students who graduate from a Natural Resources and Conservation degree program go on to become foresters. (Be aware that in many states, this will require state licensing.) Foresters [...]
Radek, what jobs can you get with a Mechanical Engineering Technology Degree? I’m wondering, what can I do with a Mechanical Engineering Technology Degree? Most students who earn a degree in mechanical engineering technology find positions as mechanical engineering technicians! They may be working alongside engineers, helping them design, develop, test, improve, and repair machinery, [...]